"Great service and advice, highly recommend" 


Featured Client - Titoki Landcare

Aotearoa New Zealand is recognised as one of Earth’s 25 biodiversity hotspots. We have over 18,000 recognised species native to our country and most of these species are found nowhere else.

Unfortunately, since the arrival of humans, our unique biodiversity has become threatened. In many areas, more than 97% of indigenous habitats have been cleared and, across the country, more than 90% of wetlands have been drained. As a result, we face a national biodiversity crisis with nearly half of our native species at risk of going extinct.

Tītoki Landcare was established in 2021 with a focus on taking strategic ecological action to tackle NZ’s biodiversity crisis. Built on a solid foundation of ecological knowledge and practical restoration skills, we’ve set out to protect our nation’s biodiversity and contribute to the restoration of diverse and resilient indigenous-dominated ecosystems.

Team Tītoki is a mix of senior ecologists, practical site supervisors, ecology students, and local restoration enthusiasts. All eager to take action. All constantly learning and looking to improve. And all passionate about biodiversity.

Birds, bats, lizards, fish, wetlands, forests, streams – Tītoki works with clients to optimise biodiversity outcomes for our iconic native species and landscapes.

Find out more about Tītoki Landcare on their website or social media pages:



