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Featured Client

Dr Katherine Tozer

Dr Katherine Tozer is a senior scientist for AgResearch in Hamilton and Dr Peter Tribe a GP in Te Awamutu. They are grateful clients of Accounted4. Katherine has met many wonderful farming people in the 11 years she has lived in New Zealand. She has written 3 books Tales from the Back Country. They tell wonderful stories both recent and old, about life in NZ's rural areas. With their permission she has written these stories down for all to enjoy and accompanied them with amazing relevant scenery photographs she has taken of "God's own country" a term first written by Thomas Bracken in the title of a poem about New Zealand first published in a book of his poems in 1890.
These 92 page coffee table full colour books printed in Hamilton are available through the Cambridge Baptist office at 58 Queen St phone 8276490 or online http://www.cambridgebaptist.co.nz/shop/

All profits ($15 per $25 book) are going to assist 8 Cambridge teens visit the Cornelius family in Chiang Mai who raise 9 at risk kids or to support the North Canterbury victims.