"Great service and advice, highly recommend" 


In the Office

Staff working towards their Chartered Accountancy
We are proud to let you know that we currently have 4 staff members working towards gaining their Chartered Accountancy. Katie Jones, Tee Weenink, Ben Calvert and Genevra Scott. We wish them all the best with their studies.

This year our men at work participated in Mo’vember. Mo’vember raises awareness and attempts to stop our men dying young from causes like prostate cancer. Our Men committed to the cause and grew their facial hair for the month of November. On the 30th November we had a presentation for the following categories:

  • Best Mo
  • Worst Mo
  • Most Creative
  • Most Ginger

Walking Stars 2017
Steff McNamara, our receptionist, participated in the Walking Stars where they walked a half marathon under the stars in Auckland on the 25th November. This walk raises money for Cancer Research and is an amazing experience! Great effort Steff!!

Get to Know: Kim Antonio
Kim has been part of the Accounted4 (and prior to that the Shannon Wrigley) team coming up 13 years and has been in an Associate role with the firm coming up three years.  She is a Chartered Accountant with a background in taxation of entrepreneurial businesses. She loves working with her clients and staff and prides herself on her attention to detail, communication and professionalism.  She has a wide range of clients in many industries throughout the country and overseas.  Being the fifth generation raised on her family’s dairy farm at Glinks Gully in the Kaipara area of Northland, Kim is particularly keen on farm accounting and she understands the ups and downs of this industry particularly well which helps her to relate to her farming clients. 

Kim’s true passion is for thoroughbred breeding and racing and she is hopeful of owning or breeding a champion one day!  She is kept busy outside work with being a mum to Zac who started school earlier this year, a wife to Brad and looking after her cattle and animals on their lifestyle block north of Cambridge.