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23 Litres of Icecream consumed annually

NZ is the second-largest consumer of ice cream per capita in the world, consuming a whopping 23 litres per year.
Expenditure on ice cream and other edible ices totalled $381 million in the year to September 2017, up from $358m in 2016, with $2.10 of every $100 spent on food in NZ going on chilled treats, according to Statistics NZ. 

With a population of approximately 4.8 million people, this means every person spends $79 per year, or $1.50 a week on average, on ice-cream. Chocolate Trumpets, closely followed by Choco Bars and then Boysenberry Trumpets are Kiwis’ individual ice lollies of choice, according to Tip Top. NZ exports approximately 9000 tonnes of ice cream each year, at a value of around $41 million, according to Statistics NZ.
