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Payroll Update: Employment Agreement Reviews

With recent legislation changes employers are required to review and update your employment agreements for the increased Sick leave, and the Bereavement leave extension to include miscarriages and stillbirths.
If you need HR assistance, please call the Accounted4 payroll team for a referral.

  • Sick Leave entitlement increased on 24 July 2021 to 10 day 
    The minimum sick leave entitlements increased from 5 to 10 days per year from 24 July 2021. Employees get the extra five days per year when they reach their next entitlement date.
    Sick leave is paid time off work if an employee, their spouse, partner, dependent child, or other person who depends on them is sick or injured.
    Check your payroll provider has updated the software.


For your info

  • Leave without pay reminders
    BEFORE an employee takes leave without pay, here are some reminders:
    - The agreement to allow leave without pay should be recorded in writing
    - Watch out if they take leave of more than one week – you need to agree on the impact on their anniversary date
    - Implications on Public Holidays, bereavement leave, alternative holidays, and sick leave during leave without pay.

As always if you have any questions please don't hesitate to get in touch with the Payroll team.

Payroll team at Accounted4
Anne Bland                Extension 831              Email anne.b@accounted4.co.nz

Carolyn Lawrence      Extension 837             Email carolyn.l@accounted4.co.nz

Kate Crookston          Extension 825             Email kate.c@accounted4.co.nz