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Payroll Update: Employment Agreements

When did you last review your Employment Agreements?

Do your employment agreements reflect the changes in the last couple of years?

If you need HR assistance, please call the Accounted4 payroll team for a referral.

IR Kilometre Rate for business use of vehicles

Increased for 2022 Income Year

If you use the these KM rates to reimburse employees, make sure you are using the current rates – two-tier rates start at 83c per kilometre.


Parental Leave payment increase on 1 July 2022

On 1st July 2022, the maximum weekly rate of parental leave payments increased to Gross $661.12 per week BEFORE TAX (PAYE, Student Loan, Child Support or KiwiSaver payments).

Taking Annual Leave prior to the Government’s Paid Parental Leave

You can use annual leave before you go on parental leave.

Impact of parental leave on payment rate for annual leave

When an employee becomes entitled to annual leave during their parental leave or in the next 12 months after their return, payment is made at the AVERAGE WEEKLY EARNINGS (AWE) and not the higher of AWE or Ordinary Weekly Pay.

Keeping in touch days

Working from time to time to perform work or keep in touch with your employer:

Payroll team at Accounted4

Anne Bland           
Extension: 831 
Email: anne.b@accounted4.co.nz

Carolyn Lawrence

Extension: 837
Email: carolyn.l@accounted4.co.nz

Kate Crookston
Extension: 825 
Email: kate.c@accounted4.co.nz